
SSI - Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases

The Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) will donate prizes for outstanding scientific achievements in basic and in clinical research.

Further information can be found here

SSM - Swiss Society of Microbiology

  • The Swiss Society for Microbiology Encouragement Award
    The SSM Encouragement Award is given to young investigators in the field of microbiology for achievements that are outstanding in terms of their originality and particular scientific value.
  • The Swiss Society for Microbiology PhD Award
    The SSM PhD award distinguishes outstanding PhDs obtained in the field of microbiology and carried out in Switzerland or in close collaboration with Switzerland. 
  • Poster Awards
    3 prizes will be awarded which are selected during the meeting by an ad-hoc award committee.
    (Sponsored by bioMérieux Suisse SA)

Further information for application can be found here

SSHH - Swiss Society for Hospital Hygiene

  • Best poster
  • Best innovation
  • Best paper

Participants who submit an abstract in the categories "Best poster" and "Best project / innovation" and would like to take part in the competitions have to be member of the SSHH or register at the same time as a member of the SSHH (registration as a member). Non-members of the SSHH are not eligible to participate in the competitions.

Further information can be found here: DEFR | IT.

NEW: Joint Poster Award including SSI | SSM | SSHH

The best poster  - including posters of all three societies SSI, SSM, SSHH - will be selected by a jury consisting of 1-2 persons of each society. The prize will be awarded with CHF 1,800.-.

Award ceremonies

- Thursday, 29.08.2024, 17:00: Separate award ceremonies for SSI/SSHH and SSM 
- Friday, 30.08.2024, 16:45: The Joint Poster Award will be announced during the Farewell Session